Giuseppe Russolillo Femenias
International Confederation of Dietetic Associations
Dr. Giuseppe Russolillo Femenías, is a dietitian-nutritionist and PhD from the University of Navarra. Born in Palma de Mallorca, he studied at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Navarra and holds a European Master's degree in Nutrition and Metabolism from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra in Pamplona, where he currently lives and works.
Giuseppe Russolillo is a professor at the University of the Balearic Islands and the Isabel I University. He is the author of books of scientific interest, including "Protocolo de Intervención Dietética en la Obesidad", "Sistema de Intercambios para la Confección de Dietas y Planificación de Menús" and "Álbum Fotográfico de Porciones de Alimentos". He also has several publications of informative interest such as "Las 10 claves, pierde peso sin perder la salud", "Nutrición saludable y Dietas de Adelgazamiento", "Aprender a comer y beber en la Enfermedad Renal C crónica Avanzada" or "Comer y beber en diálisis y trasplante", having dedicated many years of professional practice to the care of patients in the speciality of Nephrology and Obesity.
Author of the document "Protocol for total transparency, integrity and equity in health policies, research and scientific positioning of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics". He is also an expert in food and sustainability, being responsible for the organisation of the XVII World Congress of Dietetics ICD Granada 2016 whose central theme was "Towards a sustainable food" and has been part of the team that has developed the film Sustainable Eating which deals with the impact of food production and consumption on climate change.
He is currently president of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and of the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (ICDA) and secretary of the Ibero-American Alliance of Nutritionists (AIBAN).