Henrique Carvalho
Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária
Degree in Veterinary Medicine, 1996, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
Since October 2013, integrates the Internationalization and Markets Division, of the Directorate General for Food and Veterinary. Performs all activities related to access to extra-Community markets and exports of animal products to third countries.
1st Semester 2021 - Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union
- Chaired the Potsdam Group of Veterinary Experts, Council working party established to support and coordinate, with the European Commission, the EU position in negotiations on agreements with third countries;
- Chaired the Codex CCFICS Working Group: Council working party to prepare for the EU's participation in the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Food Inspection and Certification Systems. Chaired the meeting to prepare and coordinate the EU position for the 25th Session of the Codex CCFICS, and chaired the European Delegation to that Committee.
- Co-chaired the Codex CCGP Working Group: Co-chaired Dr. Miguel Cardo in the Council preparatory meetings for the 32nd session of Codex Committee on General Principles and on the European Delegation to such Committee.
16/10/2009 – 15/10/2013: Seconded National Expert, Unit D3, Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission. During four years as a full time officer in DG Trade's Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) expert team, carrying out the following activities:
- Direct negotiations with third country authorities to solve trade blockages related to SPS issues. Led, on behalf of the European Commission, negotiations with Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, ACP countries, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, among others, and supported other team colleagues in their talks with other Latin American countries, China, India, Middle Eastern countries, the Persian Gulf, among others
- Participated in the negotiations of SPS Chapters of Free Trade Agreements and other Trade or Association Agreements between the EU and third countries;
- Participated in SPS Committees of the World Trade Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland;
- Accompanied the work of international reference organisations and was a member of the European Commission delegation at the General Sessions of the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) in Paris, France
01/03/2007 - 15/10/2009 – Served in the Division of Hygiene and Sanitary Inspection of Animal Products, Directorate of Veterinary Public Hygiene of the Directorate-General of Veterinary, where he was responsible for the national coordination of international trade in animal products, including imports and exports.
2nd Semester 2007 - Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union
- Chaired the Potsdam Group of Veterinary Experts;
- Chaired the Codex CCFICS Working Group: Chaired the meeting to prepare and coordinate the EU position for the 16th Session of the Codex CCFICS, and chaired the European Delegation to that Committee.
01/09/1999 - 28/02/2007 - Integrated the Division of Border Inspection Posts, Directorate of Veterinary Checks, of the Directorate-General of Veterinary, in the national coordination of imports and exports to third countries, of live animals, animal products and products of animal origin
15/08/1996 - 31/08/1999 - Agriculture Development Services of Graciosa Island, Regional Directorate for Agriculture Development of the Azores. Worked as a Veterinarian in all activities related to a local veterinary unit, including:
- Animal health (animal identification and health disease control campaigns);
- Animal welfare (application of control measures and enforcement of animal welfare legislation in sea transport of animals and in slaughterhouses);
- Public health and food safety (sanitary inspection at slaughterhouses, and official controls of food establishments).
During this period also performed veterinary practice, largely in livestock species, but also in companion animals.